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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weekly Challenge 79

Go World!!

One thing leads to another!

Step two!
Step one!

Its been a long time since I've accessed ny blog. When you complain about back pain - you never know what will happen next!
In order to have back surgery - I had to have neck surgery first. 
Tangling has saved me from terminal boredom. Even though all of my "post-op tangling" will be left on the drawing board - it has been a fantastic way to pass the months that are needed to recover from major surgery. So... today I'm happy to be posting my salute to the Olympics for this week's challenge!

Friday, February 10, 2012


I discovered that I had more fun doing this great tangle upside down!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Congratulations to Laura Harms! Her "I am the diva" blog was just voted NUMBER 1! Thanks, Laura for being the best!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Visit My Web Site Too!

I'm All Tangled Up!
Well.. I've been following the Diva's challenges for a whole year and FINALLY decided to post my tangle and I pick the single challenge that requires me to use my LEFT hand - so being the most "right handed" person I know, I went for it. Thanks for providing more Zentangle fun!

Dominatrix #2